Denver Most Expensive Homes for Sale July 2021
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The mega-rich want to get in on Denver’s incredible real estate boom, too. Scads of multimillion-dollar properties are for sale in the Mile High City, according to the Homesnap website, with the spendiest of the batch going for a breathtaking $21.5 million.
Things were different back in October 2020, the last time Westword took a look at the most expensive homes for sale in Denver. The priciest palace then was going for just under $11 million, and many of the others on our roster landed in the $5 million range. A couple of homes in the latest rundown have price tags at that level, but three of the five are listed for $7 million or more, topped by 9 Polo Club Lane, which rated a 9News feature when it arrived on the market back in May, in part because it had last been available for purchase around seventy years earlier.
Most available homes listed for less than the average sale price in Denver — over $728,000, according to the latest estimate — don’t last long before they’re bought. But selling a mansion takes considerably more time. One of the homes below was first listed 261 days ago, and it’s still looking for a new owner despite a price drop from the original $7,999,999 to $5,500,000.
Two others have been lingering for between 122 and 98 days. One is the Crawford Hill mansion near the Colorado State Capitol, which is currently home to the law firm Haddon, Morgan & Foreman, while the other served as the longtime headquarters of Starkey International Institute, which trained butlers and household managers. Since then, the property has become a popular Airbnb destination; it’s said to have generated $17,000 in short-term rental fees last year.
The fifth property, on South Chase Way, has a colorful history. As reported by Business Den, Elvis Presley nearly bought the home in 1976 before pulling out after being told he couldn’t install a security fence. Other actual owners include a couple of former Denver Broncos: Tyrone Braxton and Kevin Clark.
Here are the five most expensive standalone homes for sale in Denver today, seen in descending order. (We’ve excluded luxury apartments, commercial buildings and undeveloped land listings.) Included are photos, links to the original Homesnap pages and text from the listings.

Number 5: 3962 South Chase Way
9 days on Homesnap
3962 S Chase Way
5 bedrooms
7 bathrooms
0.94 acres
15,987 square feet
The original owners called this home “Utopia” and for good reason. Traditional Japanese architecture meets modern and contemporary beauty. Sensational views of the gorgeous pool overlooking the sixth fairway of Pinehurst Country Club and the Rockies beyond. The minute you arrive through the private gate you will be enchanted by the stunning double door entrance — leading to a loggia with indoor trees, floor to ceiling windows, spiral staircases, and numerous terraces overlooking the gorgeous one acre property. Dream entertaining space with open floor plan, custom foyer bar and cozy sitting and dining areas. Grand owners suite with sitting area, his and hers baths, massive cedar-lined closet and a private terrace to take in the view. Private gym with a sunken media room and spa area that rivals any hotel gym. Original lava rock lined two story wine cellar with an entertaining area perfect for poker night or wine tastings. Be sure to check out the secret wine cellar entrance. Take a moment to reflect in the upper level meditation room before practicing yoga on the outdoor patio. Separate caretakers apartment. This home has been meticulously updated with thought going into every improvement and design element. Truly a space that needs to be seen to be believed.

2605 18th Street.
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Number 4: 2605 18th Street
261 days on Homesnap for $7,999,000 (dropped $1,000,000 on 4/6/21)
5 bedrooms
6 bathrooms
0.1 acres
7,261 square feet
Prestigiously located on the prime corner in LoHi, this trophy property designed by BOSS.architecture and built by Montare Builders, creates an intriguing and exclusive compound. The custom-designed, new construction, nearly 8,000 square foot stately residence offers an inspiring opportunity to live in a discreet oasis flooded with natural light. Commanding views of the downtown skyline, a floor plan designed for lavish entertaining and multi functional use of today. A state-of-the-art entry point with sun-drenched art gallery corridor opens to an indoor; outdoor living environment second to none | Sun room with complete outdoor kitchen; private courtyard with 16’ wide x 10’ tall Pella multi-slide doors; kitchen opens via a 33’ wide x 10’ tall Pella multi-slide doors with integrated and seamless concrete flooring transitions; 1,500+ SF guest suite w/ private entrance; grantable elevator access to all levels; rental apartment, short-term rental income opportunity, mother-in-law space, boomerang family member suite; city views and light flood the suite level of the home; corner positioned Jr. Master suite; two additional en-suite guest rooms with walk in closets, oversized windows; multi-purpose fourth suite flooded with light for den, private office space, meeting room, home schooling room or home gym; private master retreat with outward focused roofdeck serving as an extension to the master suite; grand pivot door entrance; corner windows to unobstructed view of the city; micro kitchen with refrigerator and dishwasher servicing the roof top; mahogany roof deck with hot tub capacity and gas line pre-plumbed; privacy screening and garden space. Dramatic gallery spaces, tranquil and discreet outdoor areas, sophisticated finishes, grand and inviting indoor/outdoor usability, and captivating views create an opportunity never before available.

1350 North Logan Street.
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Number 3: 1350 North Logan Street
98 days on Homesnap
11 bedrooms
7 bathrooms
0.29 acres
12,574 square feet
Built in 1901 by one of Denver’s original socialites, Gertrude H. Cuthbert (Hill), this massive mansion blends historical architecture with upgraded and modern electrical, plumbing, roofing, and HVAC. Four levels of living with 11 bedrooms and 7 bathrooms including a lower-level game room, exercise room, and large laundry room. The beautifully landscaped 12,500 grounds are ideal for outdoor entertaining and has a brick gas-fired pizza oven. Ideally located between downtown and Cherry Creek this home is an ideal short-term vacation rental. This home is zoned to allow for a B&B and event center. Commercial grade cooktop in the large kitchen and full-service butler pantry into the large formal dining with built in hutches. Modern upgraded bathrooms on upper three levels and basement access to the attached 3-car garage. An elevator can be added to the property for floors 1-3. Since 1994 this mansion has served as the Starkey International Institute, a school to train professional butlers and household managers. This is a rare, one-of-a kind opportunity to own a piece of Denver history and property that can be monetized into a short-term rental or B&B/event center business. The C-MX-8 zoning allows for a multitude of commercial uses. Furniture and some personal property are negotiable and offer a true turn-key opportunity. This is a rare, one-of-a kind opportunity to own a piece of Denver history and property that can be monetized into a short-term rental or B&B/event center business. Over $17K in Airbnb revenues in June 2021.

150 East 10th Avenue.
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Number 2: 150 East 10th Avenue
122 days on Homesnap
6 bedrooms
11 bathrooms
0.87 acres
20,205 square feet
CBRE is pleased to offer the Historic Crawford Hill Mansion for sale, located in Denver’s exclusive Capitol Hill submarket. Just a few blocks south of the Colorado State Capitol Building, the property offers the standalone building and a gated parking lot with the opportunity to be redeveloped. Price of the property which must be sold together is $7,250,000 delineated as $5.7M for the mansion and $1.55M for the parcel at 933 N. Sherman. Built in 1906, the Crawford Hill Mansion is a distinctive property of French Renaissance Revival-style that is rich in history, architectural significance and allure. As one of the largest residences built in Denver at the time, the building exudes opulence with a large ballroom, grand dining room and a two-level foyer with a grand staircase. The current owners have elegantly restored the property and brought it into the 21st century, leasing it as an attorney’s office for about 25 employees. The Mansion has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places, which will preserve the exterior so that it remains untouched on the outside. For the past 30 years, the property has been used and leased as office space and, before that, was home to Denver’s social club. Now, we believe The Crawford Hill Mansion will make the most exquisite residence as once of Denver’s most unique properties.
Number 1: 9 Polo Club Lane (see photo at top of post)
79 days on Homesnap
6 bedrooms
7 bathrooms
6.26 acres
9,446 square feet
9 Polo Club Lane is Denver’s finest residence to ever be offered for sale. This stunning contemporary home sits on more than six acres walkable to Cherry Creek & within Denver’s finest neighborhood of Polo Club. Designed & oriented to gracefully sit amongst the trees while capturing views of the parklike lawns & gardens, the stated goal of this project was to bring all the outdoor spaces in & seamlesly connect the home with the grounds. The natural Sapele & Alder wood paneling serve as an organic & warm juxtaposition to the gentle hues of the Colorado Sandstone & copper accents, all evident through the stunning rooflines & deep overhangs, accentuating the home s Modern Prairie-Style architecture. On one side of the home, a handsome, paneled living room with walls of windows & backlit built-ins; a dining room with a distinctive corner pocket door that opens the room onto the terrace, perfect for al fresco dinner & drinks. The bright & airy kitchen with chef’s-grade appointments, substantial walk-in & butler pantries & a temperature-controlled greenhouse are the perfect complements to the main floor. In the private spaces, there exists two libraries, a house-manager study & the owner’s suite, consisting of a warm bedroom with inviting fireplace, large, walk-in closet & a luxurious bath w/ a glass-enclosed shower & a soaking tub. The lower level provides space for recreation & visitors, with three additional bedroom suites, a sizable exercise area w/ steam shower & oversized, 5 car garage. Connected by an architecturally stunning breezeway & flanked by mature grasses & fountains, the freestanding guesthouse was built with the same quality as the main residence & offers two bedrooms, its own kitchen, a sizable family room & dining space. Enveloping each structure & space are the emerald lawns, perfectly placed stone patios & terraces, expansive perennial gardens, 3 tranquil fountains, a lighted pool & spa, & a warming fireplace all mesmerizing day & night.
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